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Congress of The Hungarian Diabetes Association.

máj. 04., Cs



We will participate personally at the 31st Congress of The Hungarian Diabetes Association.

Congress of The Hungarian Diabetes Association.
Congress of The Hungarian Diabetes Association.

Time & Location

2023. máj. 04. 8:30 – 2023. máj. 07. 19:00

Debrecen, Debrecen, Bethlen u., 4026 Hungary

About the event

We are proud to share that Judit Hodrea ,PhD, senior research fellow of the SigmaDrugs team will be speaking at the annual Congress of The Hungarian Diabetes Association.

The Hungarian Diabetes Association was established in 1970. The main purpose of the society is to raise the standards of diabetes care in Hungary. The association also assists in the research of various issues regarding diabetes and the related disorders in Hungary. The society is organized for health care professionals (doctors, nurses, dieticians etc.) and, have more than 2600 members.

About the event:

Magyar Diabetes Társaság XXXI. Kongresszusa

Debrecen, 2023. Május 4-7.

Absztrakt: A sigma-1 receptor aktivációja, mint új terápiás célpont a diabéteszhez társuló fibrotikus szemészeti elváltozások kezelésében.

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